Beberapa hari yang lalu kita dihangatkan dengan berita mengenai Clickbank yang telah membuka keahliannya kepada rakyat Malaysia setelah 4 tahun menyekat negara kita dari menjadi ahli Clickbank. Jadi ini adalahn berita baik bagi mereka yang ingin menjana pendapatan melalui Internet kerana CB diibaratkan seumpama sebuah gedung emas yang telah melahirkan ramai jutawan dari kalangan IM antarabangsa.

Saya sebaik sahaja mendengar perkhabaran ini melalui salah satu dari Thread di forum di WangCyber terus saja mendaftarkan diri walaupun dalam keadaan yang masih dalam keraguaan : “Eh, betul ke ni?” Mengapa saya ragu-ragu? Kerana saya telah mendaftar diri sebanyak 3 kali dengan Clickbank dalam masa setahun dan semuanya dibekukan kerana mereka tidak menerima Malaysia sebagai ahli CB hanya buka sementara je……… tetapi kali ini lain pula, berdasarkan kepada beberapa bukti berupa email yang dihantar kepada individu yang bertanya tentang hal ini dan jawapannya Malaysia dibenarkan!. Harap-harap kali ini biar berterusan dan tidak ada sebarang masalah yang timbul…….

Baiklah bagi mereka yang tidak mengetahui apakah Clickbank saya akan ceritakan serba sedikit mengenainya : Clickbank ialah seumpama sebuah eMall yang menyediakan pemasaran melalui sistem Affiliate kepada para ahlinya yang menjadikan produk digital sebagai fokus utama penjualan. Sekarang CB mempunyai lebih kurang 10,000 website bisnes yang menyediakan 100,000 affiliate dalam pelbagai jenis produk digital dan juga perkhidmatan melalui Internet dan ebook serta perisian adalah merupakan dua produk utama penjualan melalui Clickbank ini.

Klik di sini untuk pendaftaran.

Clickbank menyediakan dua bentuk perkhidmatan asas iaitu Publisher dan Affiliate :

Publisher : Vendor / Sellers - Penjual boleh menjadikan CB sebagai orang tengah kepada produk mereka yang hendak dijual, CB akan menerima pembelian atau order dari pelanggan dan juga akan mengawal program affililiate bagi setiap produk yang berdaftar dengan CB. CB secara automatik akan membayar setiap komisyen affiliate bagi produk yang berjaya dijual melalui link affiliate yang disediakan. Pihak Clickbank akan mengeluarkan bill / resit penjualan kepada pelanggan, membayar kepada publisher dan membayar komisyen affiliate.

Affiliate : Merupakan satu sistem jualan yang disediakan oleh pihak Clickbank yang memberikan kita peluang untuk meraih pendapatan melaluinya dengan memasukkan sebarang produk atau perkhidmatan yang telah disediakan oleh pihak CB ke laman web atau blog sebagai satu promosi. Kita juga boleh menjadi Referrer dengan atau dengan kata lain sebagai broker / orang tengah yang membawa kawan-kawan untuk berdaftar sebagai publisher atau agen affiliate dengan Clickbank

Klik di sini untuk pendaftaran.

Sebenarnya amat luas perkhidmatan dan keistimewaan Clickbank ini, kalau hendak dibuat kajian dalam masa yang singkat sememangnya tidak sempat…….CB juga ada menyediakan Clicbank Culculator bagi mereka yang mungkin banyak produk yang hendak dijual dan mungkin pening dan malas nak mengira komisyen secara manual maka anda boleh menggunakan Free Tools yang disediakan ini.

Ok, sekadar itu dulu perkongsian info mengenai Clickbank, jadi bagi mereka yang berminat jangan tunggu lagi ini peluang anda untuk meraih pendapatan yang lumyan kerana komisyen yang ditawarkan CB menjangkau sehingga 70%!!!

Jadi jangan lepaskan peluang untuk mendaftarkan diri dengan Clickbank kerana Clickbank ialah “Clickbank adalah lubuk emas untuk membuat duit di internet!” . Daftar secara percuma di :

Klik di sini untuk pendaftaran.

ClickBank Now Open For Malaysian

Great news for Malaysians and other countries that were previously
ban from signing up with Clickbank!

Clickbanks has recently opened it's doors to previously ban
countries such as Malaysia, Israel, Macau and etc. Yup, you heard
me right!

Malaysian can now sign up with Clickbank! Woohoooo! No more
worries. Now you just have to concentrate in making moolah!

Click here for ClickBank registration.
To you clickbank success


Saudara, ini merupakan salah satu berita yang cukup mengembirakan kerana telah dibuka untuk rakyat Malaysia. Jika dulu ada yang perlu menggunakan alamat Singapore dan ada juga yang terpaksa membeli PO Box diluar negara semata-mata untuk mendapatkan akaun ClikBank. Maka kini anda tidak perlu berbuat demikian lagi! Oh gembiranya!

So, kenapa gembira sangat ni?

Lorh! Masih tanya saya kenapa gembira? Haloo... haloo Rosbira sedar tak? Kini satu peluang buat duit di Internet terbentang luas buat anda. Ramai usahawan Internet luar menjadi jutawan dengan clickbank ni! Komisyen yang ditawarkan untuk anda mempromosi affiliate yang ada dalam clickbank adalah 30%-70%! Bayangkan jika harga produk $100 dan anda berjaya menjual satu kepada para pelanggan maka anda akan mendapat komisyennya! Jika 50% maka anda akan mendapat $50!

Bagi mereka yang masih tidak tahu apa itu clickbank..

" adalah merupakan sebuah laman web yang menyediakan sistem pemasaran affiliate bagi penjualan produk-produk digital yang terbesar di dunia."

atau.. bahasa mudahnya...

"Clickbank adalah lubuk emas untuk membuat duit di internet!"

Klik di sini untuk pendaftaran.

Kini Anda Boleh Hantar Kad Ucapan Secara Percuma

Hari ni saya nak kongsikan maklumat bagaimana anda boleh hantar kad
ucapan secara percuma melalui internet. Ianya bukan e-card tapi kad
fizikal yang akan diposkan ke alamat penerima.

Macammana boleh free pulak?

Sebenarnya pada setiap kad yang dihantar dibelakangnya ada dicetak
iklan, jadi tukang iklan ni la yang membayar kosnya. Anda juga boleh
mengiklan di kad ni kalau mahu.

Saya dah cuba hantar kad ucapan hari lahir kepada anak saya tadi,
kena tunggu beberapa hari la sebelum kad tu sampai. Mungkin anda
juga boleh cuba, buat masa ni jenis kad yang ada ialah:

1. Kad Valentine
2. Kad Hari Lahir
3. Kad Terima Kasih
4. Kad Hari Krismas

Saya percaya di masa akan datang, pelbagai jenis kad akan ditambah
lagi. Mungkin ada satu yang sesuai untuk anda. Setidak-tidaknya
hantarkan ucapan terima kasih kepada pelanggan yang membeli
produk anda.

Kalau anda tak tahu alamat mereka pun tak apa tapi mesti ada alamat
email mereka supaya Enveluv dapat menghubungi mereka untuk
mendapatkan alamat rumah / pejabat.

Untuk mula menghantar kad, sila daftar di

Selamat Mencuba,

Second Level Doman Name (2LD) Public Launch

Dear Valued Customers,




Why get a shorter address? Shorter Internet address will offer you the following :
1) You will gain an impactful identification mark within the global Internet community as it is easier to remember
2) You can span across any industry (as the name will no longer need any categorization of type of entity) to promote your products and services
3) You are protecting your intellectual property & brand name. Failure to register your name using shorter suffix leaves it open for other entities/parties to take up the name, that may result in trademark issues later
4) It is faster and quicker for foreign Internet communities to recognize you as a Malaysian brand selling to the global market

This registration is open to the public and applications will be processed on a FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS. SO HURRY! to secure your Internet address.

Register now with our resellers at or email MYNIC at or call 03-8991 7272 or fax 03-8991 7277.
Register now to protect your organization's unique identity on the World Wide Web!

Yours sincerely,
Shariya Haniz Zulkifli
MYNIC Berhad
19 March 2008

Program Affiliate TIPS

Hari ini saya akan memberikan anda sedikit informasi tentang bagaimana cara memperolehi wang menerusi Program Affiliate

Apakah itu program affiliate?

Program affiliate adalah satu program di mana pengeluar produk berkerjasama dengan agen untuk menjual produk mereka. Sebagai balasan agen akan memperolehi komisyen dari pengeluar produk untuk setiap barangan yang dijual. Komisyen dibayar berdasarkan harga barangan yang dijual. Biasanya komisyen dibayar (40% hingga 80% dari harga produk)

antara syarikat yang menyediakan program ini adalah: clickbank,Amazon, Share sale, Commision juction dan banyak lagi.

Untuk menyertai program ini, anda perlulah signup dengan syarikat pengeluar produk. Kemudian apa yang anda lakukan hanyalah promosi. Bukan promosi telefon .. ke jumpa orang ke? Bukan macam tu.

Kita pasang sahaja banner atau affiliate link syarikat tersebut di website/blog kita. Kalau ada pengunjung yang mengklik banner atau affiliate kita, dia akan dibawa terus ke website syarikat pengeluar produk. Sekiranya dia membeli barangan tersebut, secara automatiknya kita akan dapat komisyen (40% hingga 80% dari harga produk) Tak payah pujuk. Siapa berminat beli, tak nak sudah.. heh

Sebenarnya untuk berjaya dalam program ini memerlukan skill. tapi tidaklah susah sangat. Ada trick. Walau bagaimana pun saya sarankan anda dapatkan panduan supaya anda tidak membuang masa mengkaji sendiri tanpa apa-apa bimbingan.

Pilihlah ebook tematan atau pun luar negara, yang penting anda belajar cara yang betul

sekian dulu dari saya

Mohd zaki


Dear Valued Customer,

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to inform you about it's initiative in combating spam in its Internet Protocol (IP) network to improve our quality of service.

Recently, many anti-spams, organizations have blacklisted a large number of IP addresses from TM's network. Due to this many customers have been unable to send emails from their mail server to companies, which are using databases from the abovementioned anti-spam organizations.

These spamming activities by a small group have affected a large number of our customers, regardless of the nature of their usage.

Therefore, TM is taking immediate action to address this issue where effective 18 March 2008, TM will continue to block OUTBOUND Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) traffic or port 25 for all outgoing e-mails from dynamic IP addresses. Only Outbound SMTP traffic from and will be permitted. This second phase exercise will be done at another Klang Valley area before being implemented nationwide.

With this exercise, Streamyx customers with dynamic IP addresses, who have their own mail server, will not be able to send out-going e-mails. As an alternative, TM will be providing customers with two options Customers may choose to relay their server to our SMTP or use port 587 for any outgoing e-mails. Kindly refer to the following links for configuration details:

How to configure the relay for client
How to configure port 587 for client
How to setup relay host in mail server
How to configure port 587 for mail server Customers may need to refer to their administrator or hosting service provider to support and turn on port 587 for their mail server.

Kindly be assured that TM is proactively taking all possible measures to ensure that these spamming activities do not reoccur in the future. We seek your kind co-operation to implement the necessary security measures to protect your computers, which are connected to the Internet from any e-mail abuse, virus infection, spyware or malicious code.

For further enquiries and assistance, email us at: or call TM at 100 and select 'Internet Services'.

Thank You

Telekom Malaysia Berhad

Lesson #2 of 'Power Up Your Email' Course

"Power up Your Profits by Packing Your Email Marketing With More Punch."
Without further ado, Here's...

Lesson #2: Different (and Profitable!) Ways to Use Smart Autoresponders

So, autoresponders allow you to automate the process of instantly replying to someone who either 1) asked for more information or 2) did something (such as buying from you).

Rosli, when you start putting the wheels in motion to consistently follow up with your prospects, you'll start seeing the incredible results this amazing tool brings!

For example, you can use your autoresponder to...

Send instant information to people who request it;
Follow-up automatically with your HOT prospects;
Deliver a multi-step course or offer lessons by email;
Publish your ezine by broadcasting to your opt-in list;
Convert inactive or "dead" leads in your current list;
And promote (i.e., "upsell") backend products!
But before I go into further detail about these, I want you to understand the power of automation and the importance and the huge savings! of using GetResponse.

Why Put Your Business on Autopilot...

Let's say you place a simple classified ad on the Internet for your product. It carries your offer and your email address so that your prospects can contact you for more information.

Great. Now, let's also say that your ad is viewed by thousands of people and, conservatively, generates over 300 queries on the first day of publishing. That's pretty good, right?

But here's the kicker...

Every information request you receive has a specific question to answer. Now, how in the world are you going to be able to handle 300 information requests without going nuts?

For example, answering just one email may take you anywhere from 10-15 minutes! If you do the math, you have 75 hours of work ahead of you... And that's only for the first day!

That means, on the first day you'll only be able to answer just a third of those requests that's just 100! The other 200 will still be waiting and likely lose all interest by that point!

Your HOTTEST prospects have now gone ice cold! And this doesn't account for all the future requests you are bound to receive on the second or third day your ad is published!

You Must "Hit the Iron While It's HOT!"

Prospects want information fast. But they will lose interest if they have to wait for your response! Heck, some of them won't probably even remember you by the time you respond!

And a bigger problem is, this is just for the initial reply you haven't even begun following up with them, yet! Can you see the damage and the frustration! this can cause you?

It's impossible to manually handle such a large volume of requests... At least, to do it all, and on time, particularly when the prospect is "hot!" (Unless you have a staff of workers!)

If you think that hiring staff is the way to go, don't forget that on the Internet, people from around the world are seeing your ad, 24/7, around the clock. Can you afford overtime?

However, autoresponders like GetResponse allow you to instantly answer ALL information requests from anyone around the world at any time... Even while you sleep!

So, let's at the same scenario but with a different twist...

You advertise with your classified ad again. But this time, however, you insert your autoresponder's email address for offering more information instead of your personal one.

When someone sends email to that address, they receive a reply within seconds! Not in minutes, hours or days, but NOW!

Going a Step Further...

To this point, I'm sure you understand the concept. But now, let me show you how you can start seeing the immense profitability in using "smart" autoreponders specifically.

Let's say that the people who requested your information got it, read it over but pushed it aside... They're just undecided at this point and want to "think about it." It's understandable.

But if you leave it at that, here's what can happen...

They're too busy and never go ahead,
They lost or misplaced your email,
They became swamped with other emails,
They deleted your email by accident,
They forgot about your offer,
They lost interest in your offer,
They found a better offer elsewhere,
They forgot how to contact you,
And so on.
Can you see the problem?

With an "intelligent" autoresponder like GetResponse's Smart Responder you can set it up so that additional reminder messages are sent out to your prospects automatically!

By increasing the number of exposures to your message, your prospects will likely never forget or lose your email, and your prospect will think of you first when they do go ahead!

If, out of those 300 initial information requests, 10 people go ahead, the remaining 290 are kept for you, added to your autoresponder cycle and automatically followed up with...

... As many times as is necessary!

Moreover, they're instantly added to your database, so you can contact them at any time, in the future, when you want! That way, you can start building a targeted opt-in list!

On top of getting automated, sequenced follow-ups, you can use it to publish an ezine, promote offers from JV partners or affiliate programs, or make special announcements!

Doing so, you've not only raised the chances of selling that customer but also increased that customer's lifetime value by increasing the number of sales... With the same customer!

For example, let's say your business is about car parts. Your initial reply sends information about your business, or perhaps about a specific part a person wants more information on.

They then get an email follow-up, once a week. They finally decide to buy. But in a few weeks down the road, you email them about, say, another part to go with the same car!

In other words, you can get them to buy again and again! They bought from you once, so trust is already established... Your client acquisition costs are virtually non-existent!

How to Structure Your Follow-up Sequence

In addition to sending email to an address, autoresponders can be triggered from a form on your website, where the visitor will enter his information and receive an instant reply.

But now you want to set up a sequence of "autoresponses," so you can send further messages to your prospects at intervals you specify (such as two, five or seven days later).

Here is an example of an initial autoresponse message...

> Dear John Doe,
> Thank you for requesting more information on our
> products earlier. I have attached a document to this email
> containing our price listings for
> August's catalogue of products.
> Please read through it at your convenience, John.
> I will get back to you the same time on Wednesday
> with our special offers.
> Feel free to send me an email or call me, toll-
> free at 877-555-1212, if you like to discuss your
> needs in greater detail.
> Thanks again,
> Joe Bloggs
> Bloggs Business Supplies Inc.

By the way, the words in red have been automatically added by the autoresponder for you. It can capture and add a first name, full name, month, year, a few days ahead, you name it!

Why? Because with GetResponse's Smart Responder you can ask for additional pieces of information, such as through a web form, and incorporate them into your email messages!

You can also attach documents!

Then, a series of follow-up messages are sent over time at intervals you choose! Here's one example of a sequence for following up with prospects who have requested information:

1st message is sent immediately
2nd message is sent 2 days later
3rd message is sent 5 days later
4th message is sent 8 days later
5th message is sent 12 days later
6th message is sent 16 days later
7th message is sent 20 days later
(Also, keep in mind that the timeframe may be different, depending on your type of business, product or market.)

An Example of a Follow-up Sequence

Below, I will illustrate how to set up your autoresponder with a sample sequence suitable for following up with people who have, say, requested information on a particular product.

Autoresponse: A "Thanks" for Requesting Information

The aim is to thank your prospect for requesting information and introduce your website or product to them. It's important to outline the major benefits and what's in it for them!

Follow-Up #1: Introduce a Deadline or Time-Limited Offer

After a few days, your prospect can easily forget about you. Don't just remind them of your offer but also make them feel a sense of urgency, like, "I better get this before it's too late".

Use scarcity, such as time-limited or quantity-bound offer. Perhaps there are only a 17 seats left at a seminar you are promoting, or maybe only 200 copies of your book printed.

Follow-Up #2: Reinforce Benefits to Persuade Prospects

Sent 3-5 days after the original request, elaborate on the offer by reinforcing the benefits. Stress the benefits they get from buying your product or doing business with you.

Follow-Up #3: Pile on the Bonuses to Get Them Excited

Stress the bonuses or premiums (many people buy products just for the bonuses). Remind them that bonuses are limited and guaranteed for a number of days. Again, use scarcity!

Follow-Up #4: Build Value by Comparing Your Product

Demonstrate the value by comparing "apples to oranges." If you're selling a report on how to create websites, compare it to paying an experienced (and rather costly) web designer!

Follow-Up #5: Boost Desire with Glowing Testimonials

Build trust. You're totally unknown to your prospects. But they will trust you far more if you give examples of what other people have said about your company and product.

Follow-Up #6: Demand Action and Remind of Deadline

This final step of your sequence is what makes or breaks the sale. Remind your prospect of the benefits of your product, and especially the urgency and scarcity, like a deadline.

(Potential) Follow-Up #7: Do Market Research

Remember that even when the follow-up sequence is complete your prospects are still very valuable to you, whether they bought or not. First, you can contact them for research.

Ask them why they haven't bought from you. The information they provide may help you change your offer or even rewrite (or add something to) your autoresponder sequence.

Second, contact them on a regular basis thereafter (using your autoresponder's "broadcast" feature) to let them know of website updates, new products, special offers, etc.


Simon Grabowski CEO,

Lesson #1 of 'Power Up Your Email' Course!

"Power up Your Profits by Packing Your Email Marketing With More Punch."
Over the next few weeks (about a month), you'll be getting emails just like this! Each one will deliver an important tip that can drastically improve your sales and bottom-line!

So, let's start, shall we? Here's...

Lesson #1: Autoresponders 101

What the heck is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is much like a fax-on-demand system, where you call a number or, in this case, email a specific email address, fill out a form on a website or do something, like buying something online and get an instant reply.

Internet marketing and online business people agree that email autoresponders are the greatest marketing tool ever invented. Why? Because it gives people instant access to information!

Think about it.

People are more likely to send an email to autoresponder than to a real, say, sales department. The reason? People want information NOW! They don't want to wait nor ask for it.

But the reason why marketers love "smart" autoresponders specifically is because, when prospects request information, their inquiry gives you permission to follow up with them!

"Smart" or "intelligent" autoresponders go further than just a one-time reply, because they allow you to correspond with personalized follow-up messages after the initial reply...

Such as our GetResponse 2005 Pro!

The beauty is that they can all be pre-written, pre-set and pre-programmed... Only once! You decide how many emails, write the messages and set the intervals between them...

And that's it! In other words, smart autoresponders are like automated salespeople working for you, in the background, around the clock, so you don't have to! But there's more...

How to Boost Sales up to 400%!

If you don't have a professional, personalized, systematic and timely follow-up approach that hits your prospects with your message at least four to eight times, you're losing money!

The bottom-line is this: following up can increase your sales significantly. In fact, sending multiple follow-up messages can increase sales by 80% and as much as 400% or even more!

"Power up your follow-up" right now! See...

Before I reveal that secret to you, let me first explain to you why following up is so important from a marketing standpoint, and why GetResponse autoresponders specifically work so well.

Why a Next Generation Autoresponder?

At the beginning, I used to store my prospects' emails in a database and manually deliver regular mailings to them. That did the job but I was losing out on a much greater potential.

I wasted time and money doing all the follow-ups by hand, worked tirelessly to keep track of which prospect needed which message, and lost tons of sales when I stopped...

I was leaving money on the table!

So, I decided to create GetResponse 2005 Pro, which is the next generation of smart autoresponders that quite literally revolutionized the way I conducted my online marketing.

It helped put my business completely on autopilot... I never had to lift a finger ever again. What a difference! My sales shot up, my free time blossomed and my profits exploded!

It took me a while before I understood the power of following up with my prospects. You, too, won't fully appreciate the benefits of using smart autoresponders in your business until you actually try them. I guarantee you'll be amazed!

Once you're up and running, and if you do it right, you'll start seeing the immense power of this tool almost immediately as it helps you convert up to 400% more prospects into sales!


Simon Grabowski

Cara Mudah Menerima Bayaran Kad Kredit Di Internet

Jika anda perhatikan dengan teliti, perkhidmatan penerimaan bayaran kad kredit menjadi satu keperluan sekiranya anda mula menjual produk di internet, terutamanya bila anda mula menjual produk anda pada pasaran antarabangsa.

Sekiranya anda tidak menggunakan perkhidmatan penerimaan bayaran melalui kad kredit, anda akan kehilangan beberapa peratusan pembeli yang bakal menjadi pelanggan anda. Tetapi bagaimana anda boleh mendapatkan perkhidmatan penerimaan bayaran kad kredit ini?

Baiklah, sebelum saya jawab soalan tersebut, mari kita renung satu kandungan emel yang saya terima.

Ianya datang daripada sebuah syarikat tempatan yang baru bertapak di dalam perniagaan internet. Jelas sekali perkhidmatan yang mereka tawarkan ialah sistem pemprosesan bayaran kad kredit. Kos permulaan untuk menggunakan perkhidmatan mereka ialah RM5,000 dan saya kurang pasti sekiranya ada kos tambahan atau bulanan.

Walaupun syarikat ini baru, saya rasa baik saya lawati laman web mereka. Produk tempatanlah katakan. Jadi, kalau kena caranya, mengapa tidak? Mungkin saya boleh pertimbangkan untuk memberi sokongan.

Namun, selepas melawati laman web syarikat ini, saya sedikit kecewa.


Sebab laman web ini belum siap sepenuhnya. Ouch! Beberapa pautan (link) yang penting mempunyai “error message” dan maklumat lanjut mengenai syarikat ini pun tidak boleh diperolehi daripada laman web mereka.

Hmmm… saya terus ambil keputusan yang syarikat ini mungkin belum bersedia lagi untuk bersaing di bidang perkhidmatan penerimaan bayaran kad kredit. Buat pengetahuan anda, saya memang cerewet sedikit apabila memilih perkhidmatan penerimaan bayaran kad kredit ini. Ini penting kerana anda perlukan sekuriti yang tinggi apabila melibatkan pembayaran kad kredit. Jika laman web syarikat pun tidak memberikan impresi yang baik, agak sukar untuk saya meletakkan kepercayaan terhadap servis yang ditawarkan.

Di antara kriteria yang anda perlu pertimbangkan untuk melanggan perkhidmatan penerimaan bayaran kad kredit adalah seperti berikut:

* Berapakah kos atau yuran yang perlu dikeluarkan? Adakah sekali sahaja atau bulanan?
* Berapakah caj yang dikenakan bagi setiap transaksi kad kredit?
* Adakah syarikat perkhidmatan penerimaan bayaran kad kredit ini mempunyai reputasi (track record) yang baik.
* Apakah masalah yang dihadapi oleh peniaga yang menggunakan perkhidmatan mereka sebelum ini?
* Siapakah yang menguruskan syarikat tersebut?
dan beberapa perkara lagi.

Jadi, untuk syarikat yang saya bincangkan di sini, saya batalkan hasrat saya untuk mengetahui servis yang mereka tawarkan dengan lebih lanjut.

Selama ini saya menggunakan beberapa servis penerimaan bayaran kad kredit antarabangsa dan saya rasa mungkin belum masanya saya mencari perkhidmatan yang baru.

Sekiranya berminat untuk menambahkan fasiliti penerimaan bayaran kad kredit di laman web anda, berikut adalah perkhidmatan yang saya guna dan syorkan. - yuran USD$49 sekali sahaja dan anda boleh gunakan servis ini untuk menjual barangan fizikal dan digital. Mempunyai sistem affiliate sendiri. Caj 5.5% + $0.45 USD daripada setiap nilai jualan dikenakan. - yuran pengaktifan USD$49.95 sekali sahaja tetapi usahawan internet Malaysia mempunyai sedikit masalah untuk menggunakan servis mereka. Ebook “Missing Chapter” ada membincangkan masalah ini. Mempunyai sistem affiliate sendiri dan cuma membenarkan peniaga menjual barangan digital sahaja. Caj 7.5% + $1 USD daripada setiap nilai jualan dikenakan. - percuma dan sekarang anda boleh mengeluarkan wang dari PayPal anda terus ke dalam kad kredit Visa anda. PayPal memang banyak digunakan kerana ianya percuma tetapi pada masa yang sama, terdapat juga masalahnya yang tersendiri. Tidak mempunyai sistem affiliate sendiri tetapi anda boleh gunakan service dari untuk tujuan pemasangan sistem affiliate. Caj 2.9% + $0.30 USD daripada nilai jualan dikenakan .

Ketiga-tiga servis di atas telah saya gunakan bertahun-tahun lamanya. Anda juga boleh pertimbangkan perkhidmatan yang diberikan di atas untuk kemudahan pembayaran pembelian produk yang anda jual di Internet.

Mengenai Penulis

Zamri Nanyan mula berkecimpung di dalam perniagaan Internet sejak tahun 2003. Internet juga memberikan Zamri kebebasan untuk meluahkan fikiran beliau, menambah ramai kenalan dari serata dunia dan menjana pendapatan pada masa yang sama. Beliau berasa puas sekiranya dapat membantu lebih ramai orang membongkar rahsia menjana pendapatan melalui Internet. Lawati laman web beliau di, dan untuk mengenali Zamri Nanyan dengan lebih dekat.

3 servis pembayaran kad kredit

Walaupun penggunaan kad kredit di internet masih lagi menjadi sesuatu yang "taboo" di pasaran tempatan, namun sebagai usahawan internet, anda pasti akan menggunakannya nanti.

Jadi, janganlah anda takut untuk menerima teknologi ini ke dalam hidup anda.

Ya, mereka yang selalunya di hadapan selalunya mengambil risiko tapi mereka yang di hadapan juga yang selalunya mengaut lebih keuntungan - dan saya harap anda adalah di antara mereka yang berada di hadapan. :-)

Penggunaan kad kredit di Internet adalah selamat sekiranya anda menggunakan servis yang memang terbukti 'boleh dipercayai'. Sudah lebih 5 tahun saya menggunakan kad kredit untuk membeli produk di internet dan memang tiada masalah setakat ini.

Ini disebabkan saya mengambil berat tentang servis pembayaran kad kredit yang digunakan oleh peniaga di luar sana.

Walaupun artikel saya ini lebih kepada 3 servis yang anda boleh gunakan untuk menerima pembayaran kad kredit, anda juga boleh menggunakannya sebagai panduan untuk anda berbelanja juga.

Sila teruskan dengan bacaan anda di blog saya di

Di sini, saya menceritakan bagaimana sebuah syarikat tempatan yang tidak memenuhi syarat saya untuk memilih mereka.

Saya harap ianya akan menjadi pedoman kepada anda.


Zamri Nanyan

Menjana Lebih Wang Melalui Blog

1. Sertai beberapa program affiliate yang terbaik samada dari segi produk dan komisen yang dibayar serta reputasi pihak penganjur program tersebut. Komisen bagi produk affiliate untuk produk digital biasanya 40-50% daripada harga produk. Maka utamakan komisen sebegitu jika anda inginkan hasil yang memuaskan dan setimpal daripada usaha anda.

Produk affiliate mestilah ada permintaan (dikehendaki ramai) dan masih relevan dengan keadaan semasa. Kebanyakan penganjur program affiliate hanya ingin 'mempergunakan' anda untuk memperbanyakkan jualan mereka tetapi memberikan anda komisen yang 'sedikit' dan tidak setimpal dengan usaha kuat anda.

2. Sertai program PPC seperti Google Adsense atau lain-lain. Untuk program jenis ini, pilih hanya satu sahaja kerana biasanya menjadi syarat program tidak boleh mencampurkan dengan mana-mana program PPC yang lain.

Konsep asas untuk mendapatkan bayaran yang memuaskan melalui program google adsense adalah kandungan (artikel) yang fresh dan ori, keyword bernilai tinggi, pemilihan ads yang berkesan dan sudah tentunya blog anda memiliki pengunjung yang ramai.

Untuk mengetahui teknik-teknik adsense secara praktikal, dapatkan ebook panduan di dalam bahasa melayu dengan klik pada link berikut:

3. Menjual ruang iklan samada secara menggunakan pihak tengah atau melakukannya sendiri. Untuk menggunakan pihak tengah, anda boleh mencuba di atau di Namun, mereka mengenakan syarat-syarat tertentu yang biasanya jika blog anda masih lagi baru, kebiasaannya amat sukar untuk mendapat kelulusan mereka.

Jika permohonan anda tidak lulus, maka jalan kedua adalah menjual ruang iklan sama ada banner atau link di blog anda kepada sesiapa yang berminat. Saya telah melakukan kedua-dua cara dan hasil yang saya dapati amat memuaskan. Namun, sebelum anda menjual ruang iklan, utamakan teknik-teknik yang dinyatakan di dalam ebook Kit Blogger.

4. Menjual produk sendiri. Ini sudah semestinya anda lakukan, jika boleh. Gunakan sebaik mungkin blog anda untuk 'mempromosikan' produk anda sendiri.

Itulah 4 cara buat duit melalui blog dan jika anda menggabungkan kesemua cara tersebut dan melakukan secara fokus dan serius, anda dapat melipat-gandakan pendapatan anda di internet.

Sekali lagi dinyatakan, segala tips yang anda dapat secara bersiri ini tidak akan lengkap jika anda tidak memiliki Siri Kit Blogger yang boleh didapatkan di http:///

Nantikan tip ke-2 di inbox emel anda!

Mohd Zulfadli aka SmartZuL.

How to get real free traffic from social sites

Yesterday, I wrote you an email about
getting free or almost free traffic
from Social Media, Social Networking
and Social Bookmarking.

These are REAL traffic, NAME. Visitors
who are interested in what you have.

If you're clueless on all of these and
worried of being left behind, you're in
luck because The Social Traffic Assaults
System will be your ultimate blueprint!

To be frank, I've seen program on this
kind of new topic sells for $1,397
and it's not even in the market to be
purchased anymore.

So I urge you to leverage on this
massive trend and get the most out of
it today at:

You "Chan" Do It!

-Patric Chan

I knew he's up to something lately!

An internet marketing millionaire and a personal friend, Jo Han Mok had just returned home a couple of days ago from Malaysia after visiting me and my wife.

We were having several drinks and talked about marketing and business on the internet. (As usual, 'boring' stuff.)

And I asked him the same question he gets from other marketers lately...

"Hey. You're terribly 'quiet' online. Aren't you doing Internet Marketing any more?"


He has a confession to make.

Other marketers and I were right.

If you've been on his list for a while, you might have noticed that he hardly involved in those "product launches".

He hardly do an JVs, and he hardly try to 'sell' you much stuff.

Heck, he was even involved in making real m0ney from the 'adult health market' lately.

The truth is...

Other than struggling as a new parent, he has been 'fooling around' with a lot of 'other stuff' under the radar.

And it has been wildly profitable to say the least.

FAR more profitable than 'selling stuff' to other marketers.

I'll give you a hint.

It has everything to do with this 'thing' called Social Media Optimization.

If you haven't been exposed to 'Social Media', let me tell you, it's one heck of a HUGE 'M0ney Hole'.

Consider this:

--> YouTube gets over half a billion visitors a year

--> MySpace gets over 1.6 million visitors a day

--> Facebook gets over 52 million new users a year

--> 83% of MySpace visitors make over $30,000 a year

--> 88% of Facebook visitors make over $30,000 a year


So the question is:

"what if..."

"What if..."

"What if..."

What if, there's a 'secret backdoor' to pull huge streams of targetd traffic from those social media sites... for free or almost-free?

Look at the statistics again and think about what this could mean to you.

Well, with your permission... I'll hand you the key to this 'backdoor'. And of course, with Jo Han's permission too.

Learn step-by-step how to get free traffic and generate 1ncome from social sites:

But you gotta act fast enough because any procrastination on your part could result in a 'big time loss' and I totally mean it.

You "Chan" Do It!

-Patric Chan

P.S: When I saw The Social Traffic Assaults System, I grab a copy for myself right away simply because I've been dying to learn about social marketing and this is my chance.

A course on similar topic was sold at $1,397 recently and it's not even available to be purchased anymore. But now, it won't cost you anything close to that amount and it's still available for you to 'steal' Jo Han's research discovery and strategies...

AX Gold Software February updates

There's brand new content released today for members of
the Niche Gold Club and Software Gold Club.

There's also a gift for all subscribers (even if you're not
yet a member) in the form of a package of brand new private
label articles.

For members of the Software Gold Club, the updates include a
new "Traffic Using Web 2.0 Solutions" report with private
label rights and sales page.

For full details of everything and to get your gift, please
visit our special subscribers only blog.

Small Business Loan by

Many people dream to have their own business. Mine also. I have a dream (not Martin Luther King, Jr. speech) to own a restaurant. To start a business, you required a sum of money. Maybe not large sum of money but at least the money required can make you think twice before you proceed to your business.

So, where to get small business loan? maybe your choice when it come to unsecure loan. But again, what unsecure loan means?

According to,

Unsecured loans are monetary loans that are not secured against the borrowers assets.

So no need to pledges some asset to get a loan. Sound good right?

What I like about is about trustworthy. Visit their website and you can see BBBOnline seal there. According to BBBOnline, America One Funding Group, owner has been in business since 10/01/2000. You don’t believe but of course you can believe BBBOnline right?

Okay, let check small business loan. According to their website, there no need business license and any type of business are accepted. Good to hear, not like others only certain type of business can get the loan. So if you business is kind of weird and you has been dump several time, why not try There no application cost or upfront fees. So please visit their small business loan page for more info and takes their pre-qualified test.

I wish good luck for your small loan business. Buy me a coffee when you success.

Software's for your personal use or resell it

I just tested a new software...

Affiliates Video Brander will
be your 'secret weapon' to
generate massive affiliate
commission from the free videos
available everywhere.

Well, other marketers who made
hundreds of thousands and
millions like Joel Comm,
Chris X, Rob Bendwell and a
few more think so as well.

The perfect tool to generate
income with videos is here...

But you have too hurry because
I'm cutting a crazy deal for you
that will need to be taken down
soon at:


And if you're a marketer, you can
grab the resale rights to sell
unlimited copies of it, keeping
100% sales prof1t.

Scroll to the end of the webpage
to read about the resale rights:

You "Chan" Do It!

-Patric Chan

Tomorrow Is The BIG Day

A quick heads up on something extremely *BIG* coming
from my friends Edmund Loh & Vince Tan on 7th January
2008, tomorrow.

This is something that should have been made available
to the Internet Marketing arena years ago, but few hours
from now it can be yours to salvage.

And it will change the way you do business. . .

It doesn't matter how young or old you are.

It doesn't matter whether you're new to Internet
Marketing or a seasoned pro.

And you don't necessarily require more than basic
computer skills.

Nor the need to be backed by years of business
experience and credibility to begin with.

Nor the need for deep pockets.

YET. . .

-> YOU can find yourself joining the ranks of Internet
Marketing Top Guns in record time, raking in 6-figure
incomes and above.

-> YOU will possess the same marketing power and profit
potential EQUAL to that of big companies and

-> Niches are yours to dominate - and the days of your
competitors are *finally* numbered!

Bold claim?

Edmund and Vince are living Internet Marketing weapons
themselves, and they're now set on a mission to help
ordinary folks like you ACHIEVE extraordinary online

Until then, they're keeping everything else under the
wraps and I have been sworn to secrecy.

But take my word for it: YOU MUST SEE IT!

I will keep you posted until then but in the mean time,
check out their hilarious New Year comic - with a main


Dear Valued Customer,

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) wishes to inform you about it's initiative in combating spam in its Internet Protocol (IP) network to improve our quality of service.

Recently, many anti-spams, organizations have blacklisted a large number of IP addresses from TM's network. Due to this many customers have been unable to send emails from their mail server to companies, which are using databases from the abovementioned anti-spam organizations.

These spamming activities by a small group have affected a large number of our customers, regardless of the nature of their usage.

Therefore, TM is taking immediate action to address this issue where effective 15 January 2008, TM will block OUTBOUND Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) traffic or port 25 for all outgoing e-mails from dynamic IP addresses. Only Outbound SMTP traffic from and will be permitted. This will be done in phases, starting in the Klang Valley area before being implemented nationwide.

With this exercise, Streamyx customers with dynamic IP addresses, who have their own mail server, will not be able to send out-going e-mails. As an alternative, TM will be providing customers with two options Customers may choose to relay their server to our SMTP or use port 587 for any outgoing e-mails. Kindly refer to the following links for configuration details:

How to configure the relay for client
How to configure port 587 for client
How to setup relay host in mail server
How to configure port 587 for mail server Customers may need to refer to their administrator or hosting service provider to support and turn on port 587 for their mail server.

Kindly be assured that TM is proactively taking all possible measures to ensure that these spamming activities do not reoccur in the future. We seek your kind co-operation to implement the necessary security measures to protect your computers, which are connected to the Internet from any e-mail abuse, virus infection, spyware or malicious code.

For further enquiries and assistance, email us at: or call TM at 100 and select 'Internet Services'.

Thank You

Telekom Malaysia Berhad