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You "Chan" Do It!

My Ad Monitor or GCD

The latest information indicates Google Cash Detective will be a one-time-purchase product that you install on your own web server and will likely sell for $400-$600. It will be going on sale Monday.

His Google Cash Automator will be a different product which is almost sure to be sold on a monthly basis.

My Ad Monitor will be comparable to Google Cash Detective in features (with a few twists). The pricing model, however, will be much more attractive to those who don't want to part with a wad of cash. Expect My Ad Monitor to go on sale sometime in the next couple weeks.

If you can't wait and/or the large one-time fee easily fits your budget, I'd recommend you pick up Google Cash Detective on Monday.

But here are a couple things to keep in mind before purchasing Google Cash Detective (GCD):

1. You'll need to install GCD on your own server. This may open you up to Google scrutiny as thousands of requests come from your IP address.

My Ad Monitor will be hosted by us so you are sheltered from any Google scrutiny.

2. If done in a legitimate fashion, access to Google PPC click & cost data requires a Google API key. Besides taking at least 2 weeks for approval (if they decide to approve you), there is a
per-request cost for this.

If GCD is accessing Google data in a legitimate manner, expect a monthly fee payable to Google associated with use of this application.

My Ad Monitor has a long-standing active Google API key from our parent company. We are committed to sending all AdWords requests through this key to abide by Google's terms of service.

We will take Google API fees into account in our pricing structure so you won't pay any additional fees except on top of My Ad Monitor usage.

P.S. I'll be sharing the exciting My Ad Monitor twists with you next week about how it will trump GCD in long-term viability.

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